Sexy Ebony Featured Author Presentation
1) Tell us about yourself? My name is Jackie Moore and I am a 51 year Christian author from Detroit . I'm a single mother of two boys and I have been writing for more than ten years. Christian Fiction and Romance are my first loves. Over the years, I have completed and published other Christian-related articles, stories, and novellas.
2) How long have you been writing? What drove you to pick up that pen for the first time? I have been writing for more than ten years. Christian Fiction and Romance are my first loves. Over the years, I have completed and published other Christian-related articles, stories, and novellas. I have always loved the written word. I started journaling as a child and my love for writing just grew from there.
3) This month we are giving away a copy of your book Serving Justice. Tell us a little about the book and why readers should go out get a copy today. What happens when a prominent and successful Chicago Judge falls in love with her driver? Angela Jenkins decided as a child that she would become a lawyer. Fighting injustices perpetrated against those who could not or would not fight for themselves ran like passion through her veins. Growing up, Angela was taught that putting God first in her life, respecting the rights and choices of others, and working hard, were the most important things a person should strive for. While in pursuit of her law degree, Angela meets Rhonda, Theresa, and Darlene who are there reaching for the same goals. Over the next two decades, an unbreakable bond forms and friends become sisters.
Angela finds the more successful she becomes, the more she begins to lose her connection with God and starts conforming more to the world, than to the word of God. When love enters her heart, she must decide if having a relationship is more important than what others, including her friends, have to say. Angela is forced to look at what’s important in her life and has to choose between allowing others to shape who she is or conforming to what God wants her to be.
My book is a love story that just happens to have several Christian messages. People can relate to the characters because I don’t color them holier then thou. I write from the heart and from the emotional frame of mind of the characters and I relate my stories to real live situations.
4) Your literary career is extensive. Out side of your published novels you have contributed to a number on anthologies, magazines and ezines. Please let our readers know where we can find work by Jacqueline Moore. My books are available online at http://www.amazon.com http://barnesandnoble.com http://www.borders.com and at your local Borders, Barnes & Nobles and Waldenbooks.
You can find me online at Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, LinkedIn, Blogger.com under my online id, Mamajacq, and on my website http://www.jacquelined.moore.com/ and http://www.peaceinthestormpublishing.com/. I can also be reached via email at jackiemoore@virtuousliving.com and at mamajacq618@yahoo.com.
5) Outside of your literary work your activities are extensive. To name a few your are a Deaconess, you've been a parent Advocate with the Detroit School Board, your very active in the Detroit Literary Community, and an active public speaker. How do you manage the many hats that you wear in your life? When do you find time for self. My activities have varied according to whatever need I have to fulfill at any given time. Everything that I do in an extension of me, be it public speaking, teaching a seminar, or writing. Periodically, I do have to step back and take time off from my activities so that I can rejuvenate myself and get back into things. My needs are simple and I actually find helping and giving to others is what I do. Reading is one of the many useful tools that I use to relax and re-center myself. However, there have been times when I found it necessary to say no or not now to a project to as to prevent burning myself out.
6) What is the biggest challenge you have faced as a writer? Being able to put into words the things I visual in my mind. In order for any story to be compelling, you have to be able to convey that story in such a way that as the reader reads your words, pictures and scenes come to life in their minds and they are able to see your vision. To the reader it's transparent but for the author, sometimes it can be a challenge.
7) Where do you see yourself a year from now? Personally, I hope to be on Oprah talking about my New York Times best selling books being made into movies. In the interim, I will just keep doing what I am doing and that is writing my books and devotionals and spreading a little inspiration along the way.
In 2010 I want to do more touring and speaking engagements. I want to be an example to all but especially to our young women that they can accomplish anything that they set their minds to. I would love to add a second award to my first with my next novel “Caught in the Middle” which promises to be a real page-turner.
8) What are you reading now? Who are your favorite authors? I just ordered the "Sunday Morning Wife" by Pamela Rice who is another author from Peace in the Storm Publishing and I have "The Wight of Silence" by Heather Gudenkauf sitting on my dresser waiting for me.
Some of my favorites are Kendra Norman-Bellamy, Lorraine Elzia, and Vincent Alexandria. However, I just love books and a good read versus a particular author or genre is what I look for when looking for books.
9) Tell us about the online and offline personal appearances you have planned over the next couple of months. Where can readers connect with you up close and personal. On On Saturday March 13, 2010 at 10am I will be on Blogtalk Radio with Herbie Felton; Thursday March 25, 2010 I will be speaking at the Birch Run Public Library at 6pm; On Saturday March 27, 2010 I will be presenting at the "Year of the Annointed Pen Seminar located at Greater Grace Temple in Detroit, MI; on May 1, 2010 I will be participating at the Dayton Ohio Book Expo, in Dayton, OH; On Saturday May 22, 2010 at 8pm I will be on Blogtalk Radio with Adrianna Turner. and in July I will be attending A Soulful Summer Soiree with Peace in the Storm Publishing - An Exclusive All-White Affair, in New Jersey.
10) How can readers get in contact with you? Do you have a website? You can find me online at Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, LinkedIn, Blogger.com and on my website http://www.jacquelined.moore.com and http://www.peaceinthestormpublishing.com. I can also be reached via email at jackiemoore@virtuousliving.com and at mamajacq618@yahoo.com.
11) What is the one thing you would like all of your readers to know about you? Writing devotionals will always be my passion. One of my favorite devotionals was titled “Failure is not an Option.” I want to share a portion of it with your readers:
So often we find ourselves on the verge of our breakthroughs and we will actually undermine our own efforts for fear of doing or saying the wrong things. We will talk ourselves out of our blessings out of fear and because we lack the faith to see these things through. As I write these words, I am reminded of just how often God has promised us His blessings if we just believe and have faith. His word tells us that we have not because we ask not. I am also reminded that He has not given us a spirit of fear and that all He asks of us is to have mustard seed faith.
In knowing the word of God, all I can say is; Failure is not an option.
About Jacqueline D. Moore: Jacqueline Moore is a Christian author who offers spiritual words of encouragement daily on her website at http://www.jacquelinedmoore.com . She has contributed to several anthologies and is the 2009 African American Literary Show romance author of the year for her first novel, “Serving Justice” under the Peace in the Storm imprint.
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