1)Tell us about yourself? I earned my Undergraduate and Graduate Degrees from Chicago State University (CSU) and my Doctorate for Northern Illinois University (NIU). At CSU, my educational concentrations were in Geography and Economics. My Master’s Degree is in Geography with a concentration in Economic Development and Geographical Information Systems. I completed my formal education at NIU, earning my Doctorate of Education, concentrating in Adult, Counseling, and Higher Education. I have owned businesses, investment stocks, and investment property. All of the things, I have done and accomplished, started with one thing and one thing only and that was a mental vision, followed by faith, and then the willingness to take risks.
2)Tell us a little about your book Speak Power, Speak Wealth, and Speak Freedom: Paradigm Processing - Tearing Down the Walls. What lessons do you want the readers to take with them as they read this book? The goal of this book is to teach its readers how they can use their mental senses to create a paradigm where needed to better their lives and the lives of those around them. The philosophy is that many human beings do not use their spirit, faith, sense of worth, emotions, and feelings to control their circumstances. They do not take the time to map their future from their visions of who they should and want to be over-time.
3)What made you decide to self-publish? If I did not self-publish, it would be contradictory to my philosophy of paradigm processing with true faith. When you read the book, you will find a model that I developed to help people realize their dreams. The model is the 4r Model - Reflection, Reciprocal Learning, Research, and Responsibility to the community. My wife and I reflected on all of our accomplishments to draw out our faith, talked to others about publishing (reciprocal learning), researched how to publish ourselves to cut out the intermediary and useless costs, and then added to the body of knowledge by producing multiple forms of literature.
4)Is there another motivational book in the works for those who have read Speak Freedom: Paradigm Processing - Tearing Down the Wall and were put on the road to achieving a life of joy and victory? Yes, there is another book in the works. My book Serving People with Synergy in Mind: Paradigm Processing an Attitude of Philanthropy is a book that looks at how people can build relationships by giving and adding value to another person’s life. Paradigm Processing an attitude of philanthropy or giving to achieve personal greatness and acknowledge thankfulness.
5) You mentioned in your bio that you are the founder of Srewolf & Nitram Hearts Foundation, helping Ex-offenders and Addicts Return To Society. Please tell us a little about this organization and the work they are doing with and for ex-offenders and addicts. The first thing I tell ex-offenders is that in many respects they are freer than most people because now they have to think differently about their resources and chances of becoming wealthy. Most people work dead-end jobs with low pay, they earned those jobs because they did not do time in prison or committed a felony; therefore, they do not have to take risk in faith to start their own businesses. The point is that I teach ex-offenders and ex-addicts how to restore relationships, open their own businesses, to become self-employed and self-sufficient. My goal is to show them that they can recover those relationships that were lost when they were involved in a sub-culture of crime, drugs, and alcohol addiction. I teach ex-offenders and addicts how to build and maintain positive relationships. I teach them philanthropy as a means of adding value to another person’s life. In other words, I want them to know that giving back to others in times of need is an acknowledgement of thankfulness and gratitude for the relationship, and that they are a valuable asset in their life. I teach them that they add value to another person’s life by giving freely of their time and money, and by doing this, wealth, health, and success will surely follow.
5)What are you reading now? I am not reading any books right now. I am writing. What types of books (genres) do you read in general? I like to read spiritual and motivational books, and books written by successful people. I read the type of books that teaches new strategies and methods of writing and teaching.
6)Who are your favorite authors? I enjoy reading my wife’s books. Also, I read anything by Robert Allen, the author of Creating Wealth, T.D. Jakes, Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, Joel Osteen author of Your Best Life Now.
7)How can readers get in contact with you? Readers can contact me via my email addresses, wa_martin@hotmail.com and wamartin01@yahoo.com or through Facebook. Do you have a website? Yes, my website is http://wamartin.services.officelive.com/
8)What is the one thing you would like all of your readers to know about you?
I want readers to know that I have a vision of helping people, whether that means writing, speaking, and giving to change the life of everyone that I know that wants and believes he or she could change.
Hi Dr Martin. I hope you don't mind me following your blog. Also I thought you might be interested in a preview documentary by Robert Kiyosaki: