1. Tell us about yourself? My name is Linda R. Herman and I’m a native of South Georgia where I still reside with my husband and our three kids. I work full-time as an emergency 911 dispatcher and have held that job for the past 15 years. My true passion is reading and writing.
2. How long have you been writing? I don’t remember a time I wasn’t writing. As far back as elementary school I’ve been making up stories and penning them. After submitting chapter 1 of my novel, Cost of Our Affairs into the Black Expressions Annual Fiction Writing Contest and winning first place honors, I decided to pursue writing professionally. My first book, Consequences When Love Is Blind was published in 2008 by Xpress Yourself Publishing. That publication came after 3 of my short stories were accepted for publication. Zane accepted my short story “Almost Identica” for publication in Succulent: Chocolate Flava II; Jessica Tilles accepted my short story, “My Dream Come True” for publication in Erogenous Zone: A Sexual Voyage, and Elissa Gabrielle accepted my short story, “One Woman’s Journey” for publication in The Triumph of My Soul. I was truly honored and blessed to have the approval of three extremely talented authors. I also had a novella published as an ebook. A Time for Love was published by Lavender Isis Press in July 2007 by the extraordinary Melissa Wathington and Rae Lindley.
3. What drove you to pick up that pen for the first time? It was my love of writing combined with my passion for raising awareness. Even in my works of fiction there are underlying messages that address social issues we face in our lives. In my novel Consequences and my short story, “The Darker Side of Love”, the issue is HIV/AIDS. That’s one we definitely need to focus on.
4. How did you get your first publishing deal? I was fortunate enough to meet my publisher, Jessica Tilles (Xpress Yourself Publishing) in the Writers RX, an online yahoo writing group. I answered the submission call for the anthology, Erogenous Zone and soon after was signed to a book deal for my novella, Consequences When Love Is Blind.
5. This Month we will be giving away a copy of Cost of Our Affairs. Tell us a little about this book. How can readers get a copy of your book? Drama, drama, drama…that’s Cost of Our Affairs, lol. However, it is believable drama that occurs in the lives of so many. The story is centered around a married couple and the problems they’re enduring in their marriage. It’s no easy task parenting and when you add being a step-parent to the mix, there’s sure to be drama.
In the case of India & Antoine Joiner, they’re dealing with a meddling birth mother and two-wicked sisters who are hell-bent on turning an innocent 8 year-old girl against her stepmom and eventually destroying the Joiner union.
Tired of fighting with hubby, India turns to the arms of another man, foolishly opening the door to more drama because Mario Thomas comes with his own set of problems. He slowly unravels and India realizes she’s sleeping with the enemy. Now, it’s up to Antoine to save his wife, the woman who betrayed him, from her deranged lover!
This book is a roller coaster ride from page one and its available online at Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, Xpress Yourself Publishing, and my website, www.LindaRHerman.org. It can be requested in any bookstore.
6. Please give us a brief listing of your other titles and where readers can purchase copies of these titles. I’m also the author of Consequences, co-author of Somebody Prayed for Me, and the novella Consequences When Love Is Blind. All these titles are available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Borders, as well as Xpress Yourself Publishing, and my personal website, www.LindaRHerman.org.
7. What is in works for Linda Herman in 2010? Fans of Cost Our Affairs are in for a real treat. The sequel, Our Truths Be Told releases in 2010 from Xpress Yourself Publishing. Be sure to subscribe to my website for updates. www.LindaRHerman.org
8. What are you reading now? What types of books (genres) do you read in general? Who are your favorite authors? I’m reading Wikked by LMBlakely, Too Good To Be True by Ndea B., and Bruised Love by Nanette Buchanan. I read all types of books. I recently read a Science Fiction book (Red Moon by Chris Berman) that blew my socks off! It was packed with action and an underlying romance. I enjoy Christian fiction, Contemporary, Thriller/Mystery/Suspense, Erotica, etc. As long as the story is strong and the plot is believable, I’ll read it.
Kimberla Lawson Roby remains my favorite author but I have certainly developed a love for the intense writing styles of Jessica Tilles, Wanda B. Campbell, Caramel Vixen, Hazel Mills, Elissa Gabrielle, Tamara Angela Grant, SD Denny, Tinisha Nicole Johnson, and the list goes on. Before I was published, I thought the only AA authors in existence were those in the Black Expressions catalog. I’m glad I was wrong. There are so many unknown authors out there, many of whom are very talented.
9. Tell us about the online and offline personal appearances you have planned over the next couple of months. Where can readers connect with you up close and personal. The best way to stay abreast of my events is through my website, www.LindaRHerman.org. As of right now, I’m making two final appearances at Waldenbooks in Valdosta, GA. Sadly, that store closes in January 2010. I will appear there December 12 and December 20, 11am-4pm EST.
In 2010, I’m working on scheduling speaking engagements at colleges throughout Georgia and surrounding states. I want to talk to our youth about HIV awareness.
10. How can readers get in contact with you? Do you have a website? Yes, my website is www.LindaRHerman.org. I’m also on Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, and several social networking sites. My email is writerlin2003@yahoo.com.
11. What is the one thing you would like all of your readers to know about you? I am passionate about my work and the causes I support. You don’t have to be HIV-positive to be affected by AIDS. AIDS affects all of us in one way or another. That’s why I’m determined to raise awareness and eradicate the spread of HIV. Please join me.
ABOUT LINDA R. HERMAN: A native of South Georgia, Linda R. Herman is an author who writes to raise awareness of social issues that we incur in our day-to-day lives. The author introduces characters who are as real as the people next door and storylines that pull readers into a familiar and very realistic world.