1) Tell us about yourself? Elissa Gabrielle: I am Elissa Gabrielle, Author and Publisher. Author of two books of poetry and three novels and contributor to several anthologies. I am the Publisher of Peace In The Storm Publishing, at http://www.peaceinthestormpublishing.com/
2) How long have you been writing? I have been writing since the age of 10.
3) What drove you to pick up that pen for the first time? I was inspired to write, by my Dad, Jazz-musician, Joe Thomas. He is an awesome writer, and his words compelled me.
4) Tell us about your literary journey from author to publisher? When I started the Triumph series. http://www.thetriumphofmysoul.com/. I enjoyed working with the contributors. A few of the contributors approached me about publishing their work. I always wanted to be a publisher, so it all fell into place from there.
What has the journey been like for you? The journey has been awesome, because I am a humble giver, I really enjoy helping others, so this journey has been personally fulfilling because I get to help make authors dreams come true.
What drove you to the self publishing for the first time? I wanted to challenge myself to see if I could do it. I didn't like the feeling of being rejected, so when those doors shut in my face, I didn't stand there and knock on them, I moved to another goal and that was to do it myself.
What literary awards have you received? Peace In The Storm just received 5 awards on September 24, 2009 from the African American Literary Award Show. We won for Independent Publisher of the Year, Breakout Author of the Year, Romance Book of the Year, Non-Fiction Book of the Year, and Best Anthology of the Year. I've also won Publisher of the Year from AAMBC Book Club and Disilgold Soul Magazine.
What made you decide to go a step further and establish your own publishing company not only publishing your own work but the works of other talented authors? It's always been a dream of mine to be a publisher. I love the process of taking an idea and making it into something so much more. For me, publishing is my way of reaching out and helping others. I'm very good at what I do, so to share my wisdom with others is a true blessing.
5) Tell us about Peace In The Storm Publishing.
What your main goal as an independent publisher. The goal of Peace In The Storm Publishing is to produce quality books to reach a reader's soul.
How many books have you published so far? We have over ten titles in publication right now.
What types of books do you publish? Peace In The Storm Publishing publishes books in diverse genres, including contemporary fiction, romance, inspirational and non-fiction.
Are you open for submissions? Due to the overwhelming submissions we're currently considering, we are closed for submissions at the present time.
How can writers contact Peace In The Storm Publishing? http://www.peaceinthestormpublishing.com/ and click on the contact page.
6) Tell us about your most recent novel? What is the book about? Where can interested readers get a copy? A Whisper to a Scream is the story of Queen Thomas, is a successful defense attorney who is very passionate about defending the African American male. She has seen that the justice system has not been so fair and kind to them, so it is her mission to save as many of these men as she possibly can. A speed bump comes along in the form of Dr. Quincy Hughes which makes her question everything she’s believed in and has fought for, for so long. The interracial element of the book was the most difficult part to write effectively. I had to do a lot of research, because I had no direct knowledge or experience with interracial relationships, so in order to make it authentic, I had to really work hard. The book can be purchased at Borders, online at http://www.amazon.com/ and at http://www.peaceinthestormpublishing.com/.
7) What are you reading now? Who are your favorite authors? Right now, I'm reading DO YOU by Russell Simmons, and submissions to Peace In The Storm Publishing. I love so many authors, I can't say that I have a favorite.
8) You are a busy woman in the literary community. You juggle a number of literary hats and still have to live your own day to day life. What is a typical day for you like for Elissa Gabrielle? How to you keep it all together? My day starts around 4am. I write from about 4am to 6am and then I'm getting my children ready for school. I also pray every morning which lasts about 30 minutes. From about 9am to 5pm I'm working, then its off to be Mother and Wife.
9) Tell us about the online and offline personal appearances you have planned over the next couple of months. Where can readers connect with you up close and personal. I'll be making appearance throughout the tri-state area in November and December, in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
10) How can readers get in contact with you? Do you have a website? Sure, http://www.elissagabrielle.com/ and http://www.peaceinthestormpublishing.com/
11) What is the one thing you would like all of your readers to know about you? I am a walking testimony of God's goodness and grace.
12) If you could tell one thing to every aspiring writer what would it be? Never give up.
***Don't forget to visit the Sexy Ebony BBW AA Book Club website for a chance to win the Elissa Gabrielle prize packet.***
Ma, you are everywhere. I'm so glad that good things are happening for you. Keep on keepin' on!!!! The best is yet to come.
ReplyDeleteReading your literary journey is an inspiration that goals are obtainable if we only have faith and believe.
ReplyDeleteWonderful interview. Wonderful person. Never give up is right. We only see the tip of the iceberg. Elissa is a powerfully focused woman that shows the literary community how it is done with dignity and grace.